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Inside the enemy camp ..... Perhaps!



My latest crime novel Low Flying is set in a fictional Auckland aero club which is, in fact, based on the North Shore Aero Club where I took flying lessons some years ago.  The story includes several nefarious characters who are club flying instructors, who were, in no way, based on the personnel at the club.


Last month I received an invitation from the club to give an author talk to its members. I accepted with a little trepidation, concerned that they might criticise my description of aspects of flying, or object to some of my characters.


However, my fears were groundless. I highlighted some of my experiences both in New Zealand and overseas that I'd drawn on to develop the plot,  characters,  and my flying experiences that I'd drawn upon in writing the novel - which also included an audiobook that I'd narrated. 


The audience response was positive with the result that I enjoyed a very pleasant evening which, I am relieved to say, included compliments on the novel's storyline and characters.  All in all, a very pleasant experience!





Book launch for Uncommon Enemy and Writing Your First Novel 


The book launch for John Reynolds’ two books Uncommon Enemy and Writing Your First Novel was held at the Belmont Rose Centre – a small theatre on Auckland's North Shore.


Over 200 people attended and, having enjoyed the wine and nibbles, settled down for an entertaining evening.

Devonport writer Graeme Lay introduced John Reynolds. Graeme, having congratulated John on the publication of his two books, pointed out that the North Shore had a long history of writers and poets including Frank Sargeson, Maurice Duggan, A.R.D. Fairburn, and Bruce Mason.


John then read extracts from his novel, supplemented with quotes from Writing Your First Novel, and fielded many questions and comments from the audience.  Having been careful with his extracts not to give too much of the plot away one of the first questions was, “How does the novel end?”  To laughter he responded, “If I told you that I’d have to kill you.”

TV interview on The Book Club.


Photos of a TV interview I recorded on Sunday morning for a new show The Book Show


TV interview on The Beat Goes On.


Interview with host Gerard Smith about Uncommon Enemy and Writing Your First Novel - background to the development of both books and information on the writing, editing and publishing processes. An interview that is entertaining and informative.

Check it out:


Welcoming the PM


John welcomes former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark who was the guest speaker at the SAE Institute's graduation.

Guest Speaker


John is guest speaker at a variety of author talks to community groups, book clubs and libraries - either in person or through social media.

If you would like him to talk to your group please email him:







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